Saturday, June 16, 2007

Well, Back to the bikes again. Put one back together today, hopefully I can sell it in an effort to "move-on". I have way too many distractions.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In the interim, many things have entered to distract me from the music. Mostly Motorcycles. However, there have also been changes underway to improve the writing and recording facility affectionately known as the Garbage Dump. I started to really notice the noise and lack of resolution in my earlier recordings. This really wasn't a problem in that the whole idea was to write music so that it could be played. The quality of the recordings took a back seat as the primary function of the recording gear was to act as a scratch pad for the songs we were writing.
For me this has been very effective as my attention span is limited. Also, things happen spontaneously that would likely get lost otherwise. More than once I have listened to something and said "wow, did I really play that" just being in the moment and letting the music take its own form.
Still, as I listened to the tunes and knowing the amount of time I was spending assembling these works I felt like it was a waste not to upgrade at least my soundcard and capture devices.
This is hard to do while spending no money. Fact is, good soundcards are relatively cheap and it would be stupid not to upgrade, so I did. It was less than $100.00.
Now, with new software and deeper mixer controls the learning starts again. The benefits, I believe, will be well worth it though.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

So, Finally, I have been able to play some original material in public. Lindy, and I finally got to perform in a stripped down fashion a week ago. It was great! Well received, even if it was a bit of twist on what I have been able to do up to this point. It was also the first time that Lindy and I got to perform together in public as well. It was a great experience! Looking forward to possible opportunities to play this summer...fingers are crossed.
KLLQ is an acronym. Ken Lewellen Lindy Quinten. Simple description for a music project that started more than 3 years ago. KLLQ is how I started marking CDs as I would back up song files. I'm Ken. Lindy and I met though a church sorta thing. We started writing music to see where things would go. We managed about 5 songs when Life began to happen to Lindy. He and his wife had a baby...nuff said.
That being said, life continued to happen to Lindy. He has had more than his share of obsticles to overcome. In the midst of learning how to be a husband and dad his faith has been tested in ways none of us would like to experience. Therefore, I am patient. The music can wait and, God willing, will come.